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- All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Co-operation Alternative-V (1), Ukraine
- Actio Catholica Patria (1), Lithuania
- Active Ideas Foundation (4), Bulgaria
- AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V. (1), Germany
- AEGEE-León (1), Spain
- AIM – Agenzia Intercultura e Mobilità (1), Italy
- Aluksnes Bernu un jauniesu centrs (3), Latvia
- Alūksnes nevalstisko organizāciju atbalsta centrs (4), Latvia
- Asociación Cultural InGalicia (1), Spain
- Associazione di promozione sociale Joint (2), Italy
- Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza (1), Spain
- Beyond Barriers (1), Albania
- CASA ESLAVA Asociación (1), Spain
- CVS Bulgaria (1), Bulgaria
- De Amicitia (1), Spain
- Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi (1), Turkey
- European Movement – Latvia (1), Latvia
- European Village (1), Greece
- Europos savanorių tarnybos asociacija “SALTES” (1), Lithuania
- Georgian Youth for Europe (2), Georgia
- Governorship of Adana (1), Turkey
- Im Atölyesi Sanat ve Kültür Derneği (1), Turkey
- Institute for Creative Civil Strategies – ICCS (1), Bulgaria
- JOETZ vzw (2), Belgium
- Kaebnai (1), Spain
- Kancelarija za mlade Obrenovac (1), Serbia
- Kujawsko-pomorska headquarter of Voluntary Labour Corps (1), Poland
- Legambiente Circolo di Prato (1), Italy
- LeISA GmbH – Soziokulturelles Zentrum Die Villa (1), Germany
- Ligue de l’enseignement des Côtes d’Armor (1), France
- Maison de l’Europe de Tours Centre Val de Loire (2), France
- Menų spaustuvė (1), Lithuania
- Mladiinfo Slovensko (1), Slovakia
- Momentum World CIC (1), United Kingdom
- NIG e.V. (1), Germany
- Polish Robert Schuman Foundation (3), Poland
- ProAtlântico – Associação Juvenil (2), Portugal
- SFERA movement (2), Russia
- SIW Internationale Vrijwilligersprojecten (1), Netherlands
- System and G (2), Greece
- Together – pan-European network of youth organizations (2), France
- Trex – Eski Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti Gönüllüleri Gençlik Derneği (1), Turkey
- Ye Too Ponese (1), Spain