
  1. All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Co-operation Alternative-V (1), Ukraine
  2. Actio Catholica Patria (1), Lithuania
  3. Active Ideas Foundation (4), Bulgaria
  4. AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V. (1), Germany
  5. AEGEE-León (1), Spain
  6. AIM – Agenzia Intercultura e Mobilità (1), Italy
  7. Aluksnes Bernu un jauniesu centrs (3), Latvia
  8. Alūksnes nevalstisko organizāciju atbalsta centrs (4), Latvia
  9. Asociación Cultural InGalicia (1), Spain
  10. Associazione di promozione sociale Joint (2), Italy
  11. Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza (1), Spain
  12. Beyond Barriers (1), Albania
  13. CASA ESLAVA Asociación (1), Spain
  14. CVS Bulgaria (1), Bulgaria
  15. De Amicitia (1), Spain
  16. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi (1), Turkey
  17. European Movement – Latvia (1), Latvia
  18. European Village (1), Greece
  19. Europos savanorių tarnybos asociacija “SALTES” (1), Lithuania
  20. Georgian Youth for Europe (2), Georgia
  21. Governorship of Adana (1), Turkey
  22. Im Atölyesi Sanat ve Kültür Derneği (1), Turkey
  23. Institute for Creative Civil Strategies – ICCS (1), Bulgaria
  24. JOETZ vzw (2), Belgium
  25. Kaebnai (1), Spain
  26. Kancelarija za mlade Obrenovac (1), Serbia
  27. Kujawsko-pomorska headquarter of Voluntary Labour Corps (1), Poland
  28. Legambiente Circolo di Prato (1), Italy
  29. LeISA GmbH – Soziokulturelles Zentrum Die Villa (1), Germany
  30. Ligue de l’enseignement des Côtes d’Armor (1), France
  31. Maison de l’Europe de Tours Centre Val de Loire (2), France
  32. Menų spaustuvė (1), Lithuania
  33. Mladiinfo Slovensko (1), Slovakia
  34. Momentum World CIC (1), United Kingdom
  35. NIG e.V. (1), Germany
  36. Polish Robert Schuman Foundation (3), Poland
  37. ProAtlântico – Associação Juvenil (2), Portugal
  38. SFERA movement (2), Russia
  39. SIW Internationale Vrijwilligersprojecten (1), Netherlands
  40. System and G (2), Greece
  41. Together – pan-European network of youth organizations (2), France
  42. Trex – Eski Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti Gönüllüleri Gençlik Derneği (1), Turkey
  43. Ye Too Ponese (1), Spain